How Can I Keep My Vagina Fresh?’
Because it is such an embarrassing and sensitive topic for many
women, the question ‘ How Can I Keep My Vagina Fresh?’ is
often avoided at all costs, with many women not having the
confidence to approach their doctors with this surprisingly
common problem.
"How to stop Vaginal Odour"
Vaginal odour is natural, with each woman having their own
unique scent. This only becomes an issue when the smell
becomes stronger and overwhelming. When this happens,
something must be done to remedy it.
Here we will look at five different causes and solutions of
vaginal odour and provide some answers to the question, ‘How
Can I Keep My Vagina Fresh? ‘.

Let’s begin with the obvious factor, hygiene and cleanliness. All
women should maintain a high level of hygiene in the vaginal
area. Although the vagina is capable of removing unwanted dirt and
germs by itself, it is important to keep the surrounding area fresh and
free of bacteria. One thing that should be avoided is the use of douches.
These actually push dirt, germs and bacteria further into the vagina,
increasing the likelihood of bad smells occurring. For maximum
cleansing effect, simply wash the vaginal area softly with an unscented
soap, and be sure to wash away all the soap afterwards as leftover soap
can actually cause yeast infections. The most common treatment for yeast infections
is antibiotics i.e Yeasticide.This helps you fight the yeast or bacteria
in your pussy to the barest minimum. Yeastrol an antiboitic / antiyeast
has been doing a damn good job and deserves a mention on this blog.
It is important that the vagina is allowed to breathe, and this is greatly
affected by the choice of underwear used. Panties manufactured from
synthetic materials, tight trousers and tights all restrict airflow, which is
a major cause of bacterial growth. To maximize air circulation in the
vaginal area, and to keep your vagina fresh at all times, try to use cotton
panties and loose clothing.
Generally speaking, if a part of your body is emitting an unusual and
unpleasant smell, it is usually a sign that something is wrong in that area.
The vagina is no different, and those who are experiencing
overwhelming smells in the vaginal area should look at some of the
products being used there as a potential source of bad odour. If you use
tampons, pads or toilet paper that is fragranced, then that could well be
the source of the irritation. In addition to this, concentrated soaps and
detergents can also cause irritation and are other factors worth
considering. Make sure all products used are limited to more natural
products, without any harsh dyes or fragrances added.
This is one step that does involve a trip to the doctors. If you suspect the
source of your unpleasant vaginal odour is due to infection, it is
imperative you visit your doctor, and receive the appropriate medical
advice. The most common odours associated with infections are fishy
odours, and are particularly pungent after sex. Vaginal infections will
usually have other accompanying symptoms such as unusual discharge,
burning sensations, tenderness and itching.
Natural Hormonal Balance
As previously stated, every woman has a natural scent, and some might
just be unlucky that their odour is stronger due to a slight hormonal
imbalance. By consuming herbal remedies and supplements, such as
Curcuma Comosa, you can regulate hormone production and regain
hormonal balance, which should lessen unpleasant odours and return the
freshness to your vagina.
Sometimes, these problems are generated and compounded by a dirty or inordinate colon. Hence it is necessary to clean you bowels always. Personally, i will like to recommend two products that have worked for a lot of people including myself:
1. Bowtrol: Bowtrol is an all natural herbal
colon cleansing treatment that has changed hundreds of thousands of
people's lives through their gentle and effective whole body safe and
effective internal cleansing. Bowtrol was formulated to maximize one's
poop elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping via
frequent healthy bowel movements while assisting in cleansing the vital
organs and lymphatic system. See full specs and reviews.
2. DigestIt Colon Cleanser: Read reviews and specs Here >>
3. As a bonus, you could also throw in Herbals creams which is natural and works wonders. The best (I know) of which is the Vagina -Tightening Gel.
3. As a bonus, you could also throw in Herbals creams which is natural and works wonders. The best (I know) of which is the Vagina -Tightening Gel.
The V-Tight Gel is an all-natural vaginal tightening gel and exercise program that can help women reverse the loss of elasticity from childbirth, hormonal changes, and aging.
Rooting for your success.
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