What causes vaginal problems?
You might experience changes in the vagina following vaginaldelivery. Soreness in the vagina is a common problem after childbirth.
The natural elasticity of the vaginal walls helps to expand the vagina to
enable childbirth. After delivery, the vagina gradually returns to its
previous shape. However, episiotomy, a surgical procedure undertaken
to ease vaginal delivery might injure the vaginal walls. As a result, the
vagina might lose its natural elasticity and it might become larger than
Changes in the vaginal walls largely occur due to reduced
estrogen secretion. Vaginal atrophy, a condition characterized by
thinning and swelling of the vaginal walls usually occurs after
menopause. It makes sexual intercourse painful and reduces interest in
Vaginal atrophy starts developing several years prior to menopause.
In some cases, fluctuations in estrogen secretion during breastfeeding
might cause vaginal atrophy. It could also develop as a side effect of
hormonal therapy or chemotherapy for treating breast cancer or other
forms of cancers.
The vaginal discharge helps to restore the health of the vagina. Changes
in the normal vaginal discharge are the first signs of vaginal problems.
Fungal and bacterial infections are common causes of vaginal
discomfort. They are associated with excess secretion of vaginal
discharge. The color of the discharge changes and it become either
watery or thick like cottage cheese. Vaginal yeast infections are
frequently associated with foul odor in the vagina. Watery vaginal
discharge might indicate presence of sexually transmitted diseases such
as gonorrhea and Chlamydia.
Besides changes in vaginal discharge, vaginal infections also cause
redness, inflammation, pain and itching in the vaginal area.
Painful sexual intercourse owing to vaginal disorders reduces sex
How to treat vaginal problems naturally
Vaginal disorders are quite common. In some cases, they can beprevented and treated naturally. Vaginal dryness, a common complaint
for painful sexual intercourse and diminished desire for sex, could be
reduced by lubricating the vagina with a suitable moisturizing agent.
Creams, sprays or serum could be safely used for lubricating the vagina.
In addition, by working on the vaginal tissues the components of the
serum will help to revive the health of the vagina.
Estrogen like plant compounds could help to boost the estrogen reserve
in your body. Hence, women bothered by vaginal atrophy owing to fall
in the estrogen level might consider increasing intake of fruits and
vegetables containing phytoestrogen. Soy is one of the richest sources of
phytoestrogen. Soy products contain isoflavones that are dietary sources
of estrogen. Isoflavones derived from soy are used for making
phytoestrogen supplements. Although phytoestrogen supplements do not
cause adverse side effect when taken in small doses, it is advisable to
avoid these supplements if you are suffering from health disorders such
as endometriosis, uterine fibroids and cancers of the breast, ovary and
uterus that might worsen by consuming phytoestrogen supplements.
Flax seeds would supply your body phytoestrogen in the form of lignans.
Lignans also double as antioxidants that can protect your body from the
harmful free radicals. Alfalfa, wheat, celery, fennel, oat, rice, sesame
seeds and sage are moderate sources of phytoestrogen. Estrogen-like
compounds are also found in apple, citrus fruits, carrot, beet, cherries,
pomegranate, peas, beans, pumpkin, papaya, potato, eggplant and garlic.
Increasing consumption of vitamin D might help to reduce vaginal
In postmenopausal women, fall in the estrogen level increases
the risk of osteoporosis. To prevent loss of bone density,
postmenopausal women should increase consumption of dietary
Vitamin is needed for aiding calcium absorption. Exposure to
sunlight aids synthesis of vitamin D naturally. However, for various
reasons natural synthesis of vitamin D slows down. Deficiency of
vitamin D increases with age. Excessive use of sunscreen products
shields the skin from the sun’s radiation. Vitamin D rich foods and
supplements might help to compensate inadequate synthesis of vitamin
D in the body. Fish, seafood, cow’s milk and egg are natural sources of
vitamin D. To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you can consume cereals
and juices fortified with vitamin D.
In some cases, DHEA supplements are recommended for treating the
symptoms of vaginal atrophy by boosting circulation of estrogen.
However, women engaged in regular sexual activities could avoid
vaginal atrophy. Blood flow increases in the vaginal area during sexual
activities. Increase in blood flow helps to nourish the vaginal tissues.
Vagina could be tightened naturally with the help of Kegel’s exercises.
These exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. The
vagina loses its elasticity when the pelvic floor muscles weaken. Besides
tightening the vagina, Kegel’s exercises also help to improve bladder
USING PUERARIA MIRIFICA (The herb used to prepare vagina tightening creams and spays) FOR VAGINAL DRYNESS
DRYNESS. Short-term effects of vaginal dryness include itching,
sensitiveness, irritation, tenderness, inflammation, and general
discomfort. Continued dryness can lead to yeast infections and vaginitis.
Due to a very high concentration of photo estrogens, Pueraria Mirifica
virtually duplicates a woman's own moisture. Pueraria Mirifica may also
naturally stimulate the "Bart Holon" glands to release estrogen, restoring
a woman's natural lubrication.
Phytoestrogens increase blood flow into
the vagina and introduce estrogen-like biological effects. Prolonged and
regular use of Pueraria Mirifica may lead to vaginal tissue growth,
strength and elasticity.( Pueraria Mirifica is a herb used to
prepare vagina tightening creams and spays)
Next: Conclusion - tips to always have a nice and tight vagina, tightened naturally without vinegar, for a sweeter a happier sex life