-Promoting Prolapse Prevention, Inhibiting Incontinence and Tips for Orgasm
. Pelvic organ prolapse is a very common condition, particularly
among older women. It is estimated that as many as half of women
who have children will experience some form of prolapse in later
life but, because many women don’t seek help from their doctor in
controlling this distressing and potentially embarrassing problem,
the actual number of women affected by prolapse is unknown.
However, prolapse is not exclusive to women and, whether you are
male or female, some form of prolapse can occur if the
Pubococcygeus muscle, which is like a sling that runs between your
legs from your spine to your pubic bone, has become too slack and
is not supporting the pelvic organs properly, allowing any one of
them to slip out of its normal position.
The most worrying thing is that this lack of tension can be
caused by many factors – childbirth, Menopause, obesity, the
general wear and tear of getting older can all be contributors –
and the most important thing that any woman can do to reduce
the risk of suffering from uterine, vaginal, urethral, bladder or
rectal prolapse or to prevent a mild prolapse from worsening is
Kegel and pelvic floor exercises.
This applies to males as well as females, if they want to keep
their rectum and intestines in place. If they don’t exercise their
pelvic diaphragm regularly, then men can also be subject to
prolapse. As they age, if not worked at, the Pubococcygeus
muscle will stretch and sag to varying degrees, risking rectal
prolapse. The odds grow significantly if obesity is also involved.
Some people have no idea that they have suffered a mild
prolapse but any symptoms that do occur will give a clue as to
which organ is causing the problem.
The rectum is attached to the pelvis by various ligaments and
muscles but age, childbirth, obesity, long-term constipation and,
rarely, hemorrhoids are all factors that can cause these to
weaken. In less severe presentations, only the lining of the
rectum hangs out of the anus so it needs to be ascertained if this
is actually hemorrhoids or a true prolapse. As things worsen, the
ligaments become more and more stretched until part of the
rectum itself can be felt protruding from the anus. Other
symptoms can include constipation or diarrhea or the inability to
defecate at all.
For women, there are additional forms of rectal prolapse called
rectocele and enterocele. The latter is a prolapse of the small
bowel, where part of the small intestine that lies just behind the
uterus may slip down between the rectum and the back wall of
the vagina. This often occurs at the same time as a rectocele or a
uterine prolapse.
WHAT IS A rectocele?
is a prolapsed rectum that can result when theback side (or posterior) wall of the vagina prolapses. This can
sometimes be diagnosed through a patient complaining about
‘not feeling clean’ due to some of the matter becoming caught
around the prolapse. For some women, it may even be possible
to place a finger into the vagina and push the bowel back into
WHAT IS Cystourethrocele?
is the most common type of prolapse forwomen. This is when the tube which carries urine away from the
bladder (the urethra) and the bladder prolapse at the same time.
The bladder falls towards the vagina and creates a large bulge in
the front vaginal wall.
WHAT IS Urethral prolapse?
When the urethra slips out of place, it alsopushes against the front of the vaginal wall, but lower down,
near the opening of the vagina. If you are suffering from
incontinence, frequency or cannot pee at all, then you could be
suffering from some degree of bladder or urethral prolapse.
Uterine prolapse is when the womb drops down into the
vagina. It is the second most common type of prolapse and is
classified into three grades depending on how far the womb has
fallen. It may be indicated by a pulling heaviness in the pelvic
area and the feeling that something is falling out.
wHAT IS Vaginal prolapse?
occurs when the top of the vagina (thevaginal vault) falls in on itself. This can only happen after a
hysterectomy (the removal of the womb). Certain symptoms that
can occur with all types of prolapse are feeling a lump or heavy
sensation in the vagina; lower back pain that eases when you lie
down; pelvic pain or pressure; pain or lack of sensation during
You should visit your healthcare provider immediately if you
experience any of these symptoms. Kegel and pelvic floor
exercises – because prevention is always better than cure.
NEXT:How To Do The Most Effective Pubococcygeus Muscle