Thursday, June 5

Kegal exercises: All about Kegal exercises, What you need to know about Kegal exercises, How to perform / do Kegal exercises, mastering Kegal exercises AND Kegal exercises FOR YOU

Kegal exercises

     Fit within the vagina is a method of adjustment, strengthening and toning muscles. When 
talking on how to tighten vagina, there are several exercises that can be done to achieve 
this, but among the various exercises, experts confirm that kegel exercises is still the most 
effective in bringing out the best result within a short period. 

    The vagina is tightened with 
simple exercises that are known as Kegel exercises by most women. However, they aren't as 
simple as they seem to be. Isolating and working out the PC muscle can be difficult, as there 
is a natural tendency to contract the surrounding muscles in your butt and thighs. So for 
them to be optimally effective, only the vaginal muscles must be contracted. 

  When vaginal tightening is discussed, the PC muscle is also discussed, 
this is because the quality of your sex is depends mostly on the strength 
of your PC muscle. Your PC muscle contracts during an orgasm, and if 
this muscle is strong, it will produce far more powerful orgasms. Also, a 
stronger PC muscle yields multiple, toe-arching orgasms as well. This is 
as a result of a far more vascular vagina. In other words, because your 
vagina muscles are stronger, more blood is sent to your pelvic cavity, 
resulting in higher sensitivity and thus, more intense orgasms. 

Also, apart from a great sex experience there are some other benefits of  a tighter vagina. 

Weak vaginal muscles can cause stress urinary 
incontinence. However, this condition is not the result of a weak PC 
muscle. The muscles that make up the pelvic cavity are called the pelvic 
floor muscles. And while the PC muscle is a part of the pelvic floor (The 
Pelvic floor is a significant set of muscles that play a major role in 
women anatomy. 

These Muscles along with other tissues are responsible to keep the pelvic organs like the intestine, bladder and urethra in the  correct body position. Muscles may be weak or injured due to any kind 
of pelvic surgery, radiation treatments, old age or vaginal child birth), 
there are other muscles that help to control the flow of urine.

 One these muscles surrounds the urethra. So if this muscle becomes weak, it can no 
longer properly support the urethra, so this allows urine to drop when 
you laugh, cough or sneeze, thus allowing urine to leak uncontrollably. 
Kegel exercises will help prevent this condition, or help to eliminate it if 
you are currently suffering from the condition. 

 Kegal exercises are easy 
when you go to pee; practice trying to hold it in. these are the muscles 
that can help tighten down there a bit once you know how to do them 
you can practice the exercises when you’re not peeing..Before moving 
ahead with the exercises, you should identify the right muscles that need 
to be exercised. In the vagina, insert a finger and squeeze it with the 
surrounding muscles. You would feel the pelvic floor muscles moving 
upwards when the vagina tightens. When you relax the vaginal muscles, 
the pelvic floor muscles would move downwards. Instead of inserting 
the finger in the vagina, you can also feel the pelvic floor muscles while 
stopping urine flow. 

Before starting the Kegel exercises, you should empty your bladder. 
These exercises should not be done when the bladder is full or while 
urinating. You can do these exercises while sitting or lying down. 
Slowly contract the pelvic floor muscles, hold it in the position for five 
seconds and then slowly relax the muscles, and keep it in the relaxed 
position for five seconds.

 Repeat the exercise four to ten times. Gradually, you can hold the pelvic floor muscles in the contracted and 
relaxed position for a longer time, for up to ten seconds. While doing the 
Kegel exercise, make sure that only the pelvic floor muscles are moving. 
Your abdominal muscles, thigh and buttock should not move during the 
exercise. Breathe normally during the workout. You need not hold yourbreath while contracting or relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Repeat the exercises thrice a day. 


The next time you have to urinate, start and then stop. Feel the muscles 
in your vagina, bladder, or anus get tight and move up. These are the 
pelvic floor muscles. If you feel them tighten, you've done the exercise 

If you are still not sure whether you are tightening the right muscles. 
Keep in mind that all of the muscles of the pelvic floor relax and 
contract at the same time. Because these muscles control the bladder, 
rectum, and vagina, the following tips may help: 

  • • Women: Insert a finger into your vagina. Tighten the muscles as if 

you are holding in your urine, then let go. You should feel the muscles 
tighten and move up and down. 

  • • Men: Insert a finger into your rectum. Tighten the muscles as if 

you are holding in your urine, then let go. You should feel the muscles 
tighten and move up and down. 

It is very important that you keep the following muscles relaxed while 
doing Kegel exercises: 
• Abdominal 
• Buttocks 
• Thigh 

A woman can also strengthen these muscles by using a vaginal cone, 
which is a weighted device that is inserted into the vagina. Then you try 
to contract the pelvic floor muscles to hold the device in place. 

NEXT: Who should / can do KEGELS? Kegel exercises are recommended for?