The Vagina is a canal with a lining of a mucus
membrane, Muscles and tissues that form its wall. It is also a birth canal as
the baby passes through this during child birth. The male organ is inserted
into this organ for lovemaking. It has numerous glands for the secretion of the
natural lubrication. The shape and
tightness of the female reproductive organ depends on the body type of the woman,
the number of child births and the age of the woman.
A stretched or loosened vagina can lower the confidence and self-esteem of a
woman. The vagina can get stretched after a child birth. The walls stretch out many
times its actual size to form a passage way for the baby
to pass. The diameter of the vagina increases. This causes
tears and weakens the pelvic support. The grip loosens.
This condition makes sexual lovemaking less enjoyable for women and their
partners. A woman's libido and sexual pleasure decreases. The tissues lose
their elasticity and become weak. Vaginal dryness can cause pain during
lovemaking. Due to lack of lubrication, dryness makes the act painful. This may
happen if the woman is nervous or anxious. These feelings slow down the release
of the natural lubricant. Penetrating in before the stimulation of the
lubricant too results in dryness. Hormonal imbalances may also be a reason. To tighten
the vagina, there are plenty of options available. Click here to find out more;